Who Are You?

Take a Look at Yourself!
Herman Phillips
July 15, 2024
Who Are You?

Herman Phillips


July 15, 2024

Who are you?

Let’s take a minute.  Say that out loud.  Let the words roll off your tongue, past your lips, to linger in the air. Hold that question in your mind. Be comfortable with that inner contemplation.


Have you thought about this before? If so, is your answer the same today as it was the last time?

In my thinking, the answers should be multilayered. As humans, we are complex and multilayered beings.  We are the sum total of our experiences - good, challenging, significant, and unrecalled.

I find growth in introspection. Reflecting on my actions (and inactions), thoughts, observations, and reactions. In those quiet moments with just Herman, I take quiet stock of where I am in that moment: Today? This year? This job? This relationship? 

Give yourself the grace to be, reflect, and learn. Shape and be shaped.

You are more than today.

Strive to be your best version. You may fall short but take the opportunity to learn from the deficit.

Who are you? Who do you want to be?

Only you can answer that question.  It’s yours to ponder and own.

Coach Herman

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